

Imposter Syndrome, Bisexuality, Writing Romance, and Me

(The following post was originally written in 2015 for Queer Romance Month. That website is now down so I’m reposting it here.) Many of you have probably heard about imposter syndrome: the idea that, whatever your trade, however successful or …


Last night at Audrey’s Books, for the 4th annual Read and Write with Pride event we hold here in Edmonton, I had the distinct pleasure of publicly reading my F/F romance for the first time. It was a packed house, …

Appearances 2016

Look ma, I’m updating my blog! I don’t have any new publishing news for you (yet), but I do have some announcements about appearances! Item One: I recently stopped by The Hopeless Romantic Podcast to talk about my career shift away …

Do Bi People Need You (Yes You!) To Write Us?

Hey there, long time no blog. Gonna try to get back into the habit of it, especially since I paid for this swanky new website from the gorgeous AngstyG. Watch this space for more squeeing, rambling, and . . . …

Why I Write Queer Romance

Once upon a time, I was a teenager. I know, I know. It’s hard to believe, looking at the confident, composed, and mature late twenties woman standing before you now. Yes, once upon a time I was a teenager. I …