

Appearances 2016

21 May   Heidi Belleau   In appearances, news     No Comments

Look ma, I’m updating my blog!

I don’t have any new publishing news for you (yet), but I do have some announcements about appearances!

Item One: I recently stopped by The Hopeless Romantic Podcast to talk about my career shift away from my bread and butter of dark fiction. Give it a listen if you’d like to hear me speaking candidly about some stuff I’ve never really talked about in public before, and how THE BURNT TOAST B&B may just have saved my writing life. I also give some sneak peek info about my upcoming first foray into F/F. Amanda and Austin, my hosts, asked some really tough but great questions of me and I hope I gave as good as I got! Just make sure to mind the trigger warnings if you’re going to give it a listen, as I definitely go into some dark territory.

Item Two: I’m a finalist in the Bi Book Awards! My and Sam Schooler’s novel DEAD RINGER is up for Best Erotic Fiction. I’m at the ceremony doing a reading from the book, alongside some other fantastic authors of bi fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. I’ll also have limited copies of DEAD RINGER to sign and sell. If you’re local to New York, it’ll be at the Westbeth Center for the Arts on June 3rd 2016 at 6:30pm. You can read more about the event on examiner.com.

Item Three: Read and Write With Pride, a local event I helped organize in Edmonton for LGBT+ authors and poets, was a smashing success last June, so with the support of our generous hosts at Audreys Books, we’re doing another one! This year’s reading will be June 9th at 7pm, and all the writers will be on hand to sign books, discuss the industry, or just chat and share in some finger food. This event is free to attend! (The food is free too.)A heading-2

For all the latest info on my scheduled appearances, you can always check my website.

Until next time!



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